Questions Answered During the Course:
Mokymų tikslas – pateikti pagrindinę informaciją apie tai, kas yra investavimas, kokia jo ilgalaikė nauda bei kokios rizikos, kokie yra pagrindiniai dalykai, kuriuos turi žinoti kiekvienas tiek pradedantysis, tiek jau ne pirmus metus rinkose dalyvaujantis investuotojas.
Supažindinti investuotojus su pagrindinėmis jų investavimo procese laukiančiomis psichologinėmis problemomis ir būdais joms išspręsti.
Turite klausimų tokių kaip:
Ornela has over 15 years of practical experience in local and international art markets,
with expertise in both classical and contemporary art. She is also a lecturer and researcher,
with her dissertation focusing on "Modeling Contemporary Art Investment Strategies in the
Geopolitical Conflicts." In 2023, she was recognized as
Context of the "Leading Female Figure in Art Wealth Management" by the Wealth and Finance International Fund Awards.
Ornela is dedicated to demystifying art investment and educating the public about art as an accessible and
intriguing investment opportunity.